
Insomnia Causes their Symptoms and way of Treatment with out Medication

Insomnia is a common condition in sleep, which may make sleep tough, keep waking or wake up early and do not get asleep. When you wake up, you may still feel sleepy. Insomnia does not only affect your motivation and mood, it can also impact your fitness, work performance and life satisfaction.

Sometimes, many adults have short-term (severe) sleeplessness that lasts for days or weeks. This is always the product of an incident that is overwhelming and painful. But certain people have (chronic) insomnia lasting one or two months. Sleeplessness may be a big problem or it can be associated with other medical conditions or drugs



Job, education, health, finance, or family issues will keep your mind busy at night and make it hard to sleep. Trauma or trauma in life, such as a loved one's death, cancer or divorce or work loss, can also lead to insomnia.

Bad Sleep Habits

Poor sleep habits include unregular sleep cycles, naps, movement in front of the bed, an awkward dormitory and sleep, work, eat or watch TV. Until bed, you will mess with your sleep cycle with laptops, TVs, video games, smartphones or other screens.
  • Change stream slack, working movements, or different changes to the body's interior clock
  • Too wet, cold, or bruised or sore space.
  • Really focusing on somebody at home, on the off chance that it upsets rest
  • Exercise very little
  • Fear of the night and nightmares
  • Use of recreational products, such as cocaine or ecstasy
Often, other health problems or symptoms of a natural migration cause difficulty sleeping. During menopause, for example, hormonal changes can cause night sweats, which can interfere with sleep.

In people with Alzheimer's disease, changes in the brain affect or alter sleep patterns.

Also, some people have what is called lethal familial insomnia, which is an abnormal genetic disorder that interferes with sleep and can be fatal.


  • Waking up early in the morning
  • Non freshens sleep
  • Trouble falling or falling asleep
  • The mood changes



Moderate exercise can help you sleep better and give you more energy when you wake up. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes three to four times a week as usual. Exercise according to your physical condition, and exercise in the morning or afternoon, not close to bedtime. Consult your doctor about how much and what type of exercise is right for you.

Adopt a regular schedule

Try to maintain a regular sleep / wake schedule. That is, go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, no matter how much sleep you have. This can cause some problems in the first few nights, but eventually your body will get used to maintaining the same schedule. Do not differ from your weekend day schedule by more than an hour in the weekend schedule.

Don't use Caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine is a brain stimulant that interferes with good sleep. Although alcohol may help you fall asleep faster in the beginning, it can make it harder to get up early and go back to sleep. Both of these are diuretics that can cause you to urinate in the middle of the night.

Don't drink fluidly material

Drinking fluids three hours before bedtime makes you want to urinate in the middle of the night. Try to drink fluids in the first half of the day instead of at night.

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