
Phylum Porifera Characteristics of Porifera with Examples

Etymology: - From Latin Porus to Pore and Freer Tolerance. Therefore, it is a pierced animal.


The phalanx of the ancient invertebrate animals, which includes cuffs and has a structural cellular grade without any tissue or organ formation but circulates inside the body through canals and chambers through which a stream of water flows and its Passes one or more cavities along the way. choanocytes.

Features of Porifera

1) There is no definite symmetry.
2) The body is multicellular, with few tissues and no organs.
3) A water-filled space is surrounded by cells and tissues, so there is no actual body cavity. 4)They are all sessile (live attached to something as an adult).
5) Sexual or asexual reproduction; male reproduction may be gonochoristic or hermaphroditic.
6) Does not have a nervous system.
7) Has a discrete planktonic larval stage. 8)Dwells in aquatic habitats, mainly marine. 9)They are all filter feeders.
10)They often have a spicule skeleton.

4 Very easily contain different cells:


Outer cells covering the wipe; comparable to the epidermis.


Cells that connect to the pores of a wipe. Through which water is drawn.


like choanoflagellates; Cold cells with flagella that produce water stream and gather food or mucous contractile collars. It can likewise deliver sperm.

Amoebae -

 Amoeba-like cells found throughout the sponge. Food storage, digestion and transportation, waste disposal, sifted skeletons and spontaneous reproduction can also give rise to buds. There are several types:


Heterogeneous sponge cells that can give rise to highly differentiated cells such as pancreatitis, purulent cells or oocytes.

Body Structure

A wipe, being a channel taking care of creature, has a great many little pores and waterways going through its body. Water is attracted and shunted all through its tissue for filtration. Indeed, the immense number of pores in a wipe's body are really where the phylum gets its name from; Porifera in a real sense signifies 'bearing pores.' 

The most plentiful pores, called ostia, are utilized to bring water into the creature's inside pit, called the spongocoel. Different cells, for example, the osculum are leave pores that remove sifted water through of the creature. When water goes through the ostia, and into the living being, it normally enters a progression of channels that interface little chambers inside the tissue, called spiral waterways. The outside of these waterways is fixed with particular cells, called choanocytes, whose sole intention is to sift any natural particulate through of the water for taking care of or, if the season is right, to sift eggs and sperm through of the water during regenerative generating occasions. 

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